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Happy Birthentines Day!

To the person who puts Magic into everything she touches, lights up every room she is in, and does it all while looking so damn flawless. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Sonali!

Favorite Moment 1
Favorite Moment 2

WHO... IS... SHE???

We're not just talking about any girl here. We're talking about THE girl. The only one I know who can truly do it all. She's not just a pretty face ladies and gentlemen, she's Sonali Batta and here's what I love about her:

  • She's Adventurous: From Coachella to Mexico City, she's got no limits. She craves novelty and adventure, with an insatiable appetite for finding the Magic in life.
  • She Sees the World Differently: Her superpower is perception. She sees the world from a lense that combines empathy, positivity, humor, and curiousity. She knows gold when she sees it and she takes pride in the people she chooses to surround herself with. If you're in her circle, you're one of the good ones.
  • She's Beautiful: I mean come on. Look at her. Look at those gorgeous brown eyes. Look at that perfect hair. That amazing figure. Those perfect eyebrows. The way she walks with such grace in her step. She is effortlessly elegant, stunning, and charming and she's all mine.

Mexico City Adventure Generator

Let's find your perfect adventure in Mexico City! What vibe are you feeling today?